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Infant and Pediatric Massage

Infant massage is a wonderful way for you and your baby to bond and learn more about each other. Ayla can help teach you how to help your baby recover from birth related muscle tension, growing pains, colic, as well as help them feel more relaxed which can lead to improved sleep for both mom, dad and babe and less fussiness over all. 


Benefits Baby May Experience:


  • relaxation

  • improved sleep

  • less gas and symptoms of colic

  • improved bowel movements

  • enhanced muscle tone

  • less infant stress

  • improved circulation

  • improved awareness of their body


Baby massage classes are in the process of being set up. It is available to parents, guardians and care-givers. It is a great opportunity for you to connect and spend quality time with baby and is greatly suggested for dad's, grandparents and other loved ones involved in the wellness and health of the infant. Multiple partners and parents are welcomed at the classes. 

Children can also greatly benefit from massage therapy. As children are learning and exploring, their little bodies are growing, and with growth can come discomfort and pain. If they are in sports or are fairly active, injury and muscle strain can also arise. As well, school aged children tend to wear their backpacks incorrectly. Whether it is too much weight, on only one shoulder or packed poorly, it can lead to neck and back tension, leading to pain and discomfort. 


Some benefits of massage therapy for children include:


  • relaxation

  • improved sleep

  • less pain with growth spurts

  • improved bowel movements

  • decrease headaches and neck tension

  • improved circulation

  • improved awareness of their body

  • improve healing speed


Parent or guardian consent is necessary for treatment. The child must also be will up for treatment. Parents and guardians are welcome to sit in for the treatment, especially if the child is unsure or anxious. 

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